
Welcome to The Mind of Jit!


A "little" intro to the thing

I always loved reading. It didn't really matter what I read, could be comics, romance, philosophical and spiritual works, anything - but I loved it, and I still do. This love for reading, and the practice of it, ended up leading me naturally to writing.

And so I loved writing! I used to write short stories and poems, with no specific style - I had mystery shorts, romance shorts, love poems, poems turned to song lyrics (I still have the tune in my mind for some of those lyrics), general teen angst, etc. All my friends and teachers thought I would most probably take Literature in University, and write my ass off for the rest of my life.

Sadly, at some point in my life, I stopped writing. I stopped because I had no time at first, but afterwards it was just lazyness creeping in. After all, if you really want to write, you do find the time one way or another, and I kept making excuses.

I've been feeling this urge lately to at least try getting back to writing, somehow. And that's what this blog is for! I will start by posting old stuff, that I wrote a long time ago, when I was living in Mozambique. Once that's out of my chest (mind, soul, whatever you want to call it), we can move on to fresh produce. I plan on letting myself go and also share my thoughts about stuff - maybe write on something I saw or heard.

I am at a complicated stage in my life, having left my job a few months ago and having embarked in a business adventure with my wife - but I really feel like doing this, and I will try to make time and post stuff regularly.

I write in English and Portuguese, so there will be stuff in both languages here - I decided to pick English as the main language of the blog because it is more universal, so I think it shouldn't be a problem. From the people that I know, more of the Portuguese speaking fellows understand English, than the other way around.

Feel free to leave comments, opinions, discuss and let your inner critic emerge and bash on my work - it's all most welcome.

Also, if you want me to write a short-story about something specific, or based in one word or sentence, or stuff like that, do leave your suggestion - I promise I will at least try on what I can.

Last but not least, needless to say, do not get your expectations too high - in the beginning, you will mostly see stuff written on my teens. And then you will see stuff from a guy who hasn't written anything for years and is just following a personal little dream. No, not being apologetic, just setting the mood and warning you... After all, these are the internets, where all goes, and I'm just another little particle of dust.

Read on!

2 comentários:

  1. Que grata surpresa, Sujit!

    Não sabia que compartilhávamos do mesmo gosto pela escrita.

    Tenha a certeza que serei um leitor assíduo. Já está cadastrado no meu Google Reader. :)

    Abraços e até breve...

  2. hehe, gosto não me falta, agora qualidade é outra história... :p

    Vamos ver no que isto dá.

    Obrigado e grande abraço!


Write on, let me know what you think, discuss, just vent out!

"Bad" words are allowed, bad attitude not really.

Obviously, do not spam!